Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Want a Wife

I found this reading to be humorous and at the same time the author was able to get her point across. She illustrates all the 'duties' of a wife as if they are very simple and easy to achieve but I thought the tone was kind of sarcastic. She uses the phrase "I want a wife who..." pretty redundantly, maybe to mock the mentality of men back in the 70's.
One of the reasons I liked this article is because I'm trying to do a lot of the things she described. Although I'm not a wife, I am a mother and a student and anyone else in the same boat as me knows we always find a way to get everything done. We somehow manage to have enough time to finish that seemingly impossible list of things to do!


  1. It is pretty intense to see all the task a person has or completes by themselves broken up and written down on paper. Especially the roles of a mother or "wife".

  2. I agree! The way the essay was written insinuated that the wife's spouse doesn't think all those tasks are difficult to complete, or deserves any recognition from him. When it's laid out in front of you though, it sure is a lot to do. My future hubby better understand that =)
